books · reading

Harry Potter Christmas Tag

This tag was created by Charleigh @ Charleigh Writes, it’s such a great tag, I had to do it! 

What’s one book you’ve asked for this year?

Oh, I have quite a few on my wish list, of ABD1C8BE-3AD8-47C2-923E-E1AB6B607311the top of my head I’ve asked for Norwegian Woods by Haruki Murakami.

You spot Hagrid hauling the Christmas Tree through the grounds. What is the longest (or heaviest) book you own?

04AF5D51-62F8-48B4-85C8-FA947F2DCC3AThe Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. 

It’s time for the famous Great Hall feast. What’s one book you can’t read without snacks?

I eat snacks with most books, so I’ll go for the most recent I read, which was ADB17444-64CF-4375-A78A-B62B7F7A95A9Regretting You by Colleen Hoover, I had some grapes earlier while reading.

Well done, you’ve brewed your first Polyjuice potion. What’s one book you’d change the cover of?

I honestly can’t think of one right now, I do love pretty covers on books, but a boring cover wouldn’t stop me reading if it sounded interesting. Oh actually, there was a book I read with snakes on the cover, I hate snakes so much I would definitely change that, but I can’t remember the book.

You receive a brand new Firebolt for Christmas. What’s one book you read super quickly?

30B973E7-7BCD-45FB-83FF-9B062536B61AI read Verity by Colleen Hoover so quickly because I needed to find out what happened!

You join Harry for his first proper 
Christmas. What’s one book you’d love to receive this year?

Losing the Field by Abbi Glines.CF6FF2B3-2850-4B19-B77F-9D0322B3F45E


You get hit by one of Fred and George’s flying snowballs. What’s a book you wanted to throw across the room?

4244D2BD-9B1D-4860-BFF1-7EFEA74B19ABMost of the John Green books, the only one I really liked was The Fault In The Stars.

You’ve just visted Hogsmeade for the first time. What’s one popular book you haven’t read yet?

There are so, so many. I don’t read fantasy so all the super popular fantasy books that everyone loves…

Congraulations, you’ve been invited to the Yule Ball. What book about Christmas do you love?

Hm… I haven’t read a lot of Christmas5F8768C9-BB7B-402D-9E08-87C034232904 books, I have one on my Christmas TBR thought, One Perfect Christmas by Paige Toon.

You find Ron’s deluminator. What’s one book that’s helped you through some dark times?

The After Series by Anna Todd. I started 9074234B-8264-4713-8EBA-66546AE6A8F5reading when it was on wattpad as a Harry Styles fan fiction, (I know, but no regrets lol). I was in a bit of a bad place and it literally cleared my mind and started my love of reading, which really helped in the long run…

One thought on “Harry Potter Christmas Tag

  1. Love all your answers ☺️

    I’m a fellow snake hater here, they’re terrifying 🙈

    Finally I’ve found someone who couldn’t get into John Green’s books. Everyone seems to love them and I just didn’t like them 🙈

    Liked by 1 person

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